Guests database
Write here every question you have about the guest database usage
We've prepared the Constant guestlist to be published on The interface is updated, so that visitors to the site can soon browse through the complete list of people Constant has worked with over the years: (still some small details to be worked out, but you get the idea).
In addition, we are developing a module which could be used to link biographical information throughout the site. From now on, all information about guests and participants can be gathered in the participants list, and than (re)used on any page on the site.
One example is that Cuisine Interne interviews are automatically linked to each person in the participants database.
Before the list is made public, we will all need to go through and correct and change where necessary. First of all, the guests from VJ9 need to be put in the database. Than, there are records which contain no information at all or are written for internal use. Others such as the bios added for VJ8 have links and photographs inside the biographical information:
To correct the data in the guest/participantslist, you need to go here:
We plan to make this information available around march 1 so there is two weeks to correct and change
There is a field portrait which can hold an url to an image of the guest. Please check the size of the image you refer to. If it is too big, don't add it there. Upload picture via the link. You can't upload pictures with the same name twice.